European Lightning Detection Workshop 2016/
Meeting of the EUCLID members/ Météorage CATS operators workshop
Centre International de Conférences - Météo-France - Toulouse - France 4th - 7th October 2016
CIC meetings

The European Lightning Detection Workshop gathers European lightning networks operators. This year, ELDW is hosted by Météo-France in Toulouse on October 4-5th, with the support of Météorage and Vaisala.

Tuesday 4th will be dedicated to technical improvements in lightning detection, presented by Vaisala.

On Wednesday 5th, participation will be extended to the meteorological community : operational applications using lightning data and results from research and development will be presented.

ELDW will be followed on Thursday 6th by the meeting of the EUCLID* members, gathering European lightning networks operators.

The Meteorage CATS operators workshop will be held on Friday 7th.

* EUCLID : European cooperation for lightning detection

Load the programme.

  local organizing committee
CIC secretary
book of abstracts

VAISALA presentations
R. Said- Sensor update, classification performance and thunderstorm warning
R. Said, P Bllankenbaker, M. Murphy- TLP 1.2.1 release summary
B. Pearson- R&D road map and market status

ELDW 2016 presentations
Conference opening
P. Héreil- Lightning data
O. Laurentin- Macma
  E. Defer- Overview of the HyMeX Lightning Science Team Activities
S. Coquillat- SAETTA
S. Soula- Lightning climatology in the Congo Basin detailed analysis
S. Pédeboy- Impact study of the “Millau Bridge” on the local lightning occurrence
N. Pineda- "Lightning Jump" algorithm for the nowcast of severe weather: preliminary evaluation of an operational tool
J-M. Moisselin- Use of lightning data in nowcasting convection product
R-K. Said- GLD360 Classification and Thunderstorm Warning
H. Pohjola- Meteosat Third Generation Lightning Imager (MTG-LI): Flash and Accumulated products and test data for user readiness activities
E. Defer- The SOLID project
C. Barthe- CELLS: a cloud electrification and lightning flash scheme in Meso-NH
O. Caumont- Lightning data assimilation in kilometre-scale NWP systems: Review and perspectives in the framework of the EXAEDRE project
S-E. Enno- Evaluating ATDnet performance relative to TRMM LIS
D. Poelman- Determining lightning outliers based on Belgian radar data to evaluate the performance of EUCLID
W. Schulz- EUCLID Performance
  © Météo-France - Direction du Centre de Toulouse / Service de la Communication