Improvement and calibration of clouds in models
Centre International de ConférencesJune 15-19, 2020
Météo-France, Toulouse, France

  CIC meetings

Due to current conditions, we have decided to postpone the meeting to the 12 to 16 April 2021.

However, we have decided to maintain the hands-on workshop that was supposed to be organized on Monday (15 June) to define a common format for in- and outputs for Single-Column Models. This will occur via visio-conference probably on two afternoons (Monday and Friday in the week 15-19 June 2020) and participation will be on invitation.

The abstract submitted for this year will be kept and people will have the opportunity to modify them. The website for registration and submission of abstract will be kept open until next year.

Please use this address to access the 2021 workshop website.

  © Météo-France - Communication et Documentation Toulouse