15th International Meeting
on Statistical Climatology
Centre International de ConférencesJune 24-28, 2024
Météo-France, Toulouse, France


  CIC meetings
  The 15th International Meeting on Statistical Climatology (IMSC) will be held in Toulouse
on June 24-28, 2024.

These meetings, which have been held roughly every three years since 1979, are organized by independent statisticians, climatologists and atmospheric scientists. They facilitate communication between the climate and statistics communities and promote good statistical practice in climate
and atmospheric science.

Contributions are welcome on the following sessions (detailed on the sessions page).
1 Climaterecords: dataset creation, homogenization, gridding and uncertainty quantification, including observationally constrained analyzed and reanalysed productsy
2 Meetingthe challenge of analyzing very large datasets
3 Space-timestatistical methods for modelling and analyzing climate variability
4 Weather/climateforecasting, predictability and forecast evaluation
5 Statisticsfor climate models, ensemble design, uncertainty quantification, model tuning
6 Statisticaland machine learning in climate science
7 Long-termdetection and attribution and emergent constraints on future climate projections
8 Attributionand analysis of single weather events
9 Extremevalue analysis methods and theory for climate applications
10 Changesin extremes including temperature, hydrologic, and multi-variate compound events
11 Fromglobal change to regional impacts, downscaling and bias correction
12 Impactattribution: from source to suffering

Short course on climate change detection and attribution with estimating equations
Thistwo-hour course will introduce the estimating equations approach to optimal fingerprinting described in Ma et al (2023) and will include hands-on exercises using the companion R package dacc. Participants will be expected to bring their own laptops and to have installed R and the dacc package in advance of the course.
more informations.

ConfTool access
Click here.


Load the programme of the conference.
updated on June 27 

Download the scientific programme at a glance.
updated on June 27 

Take a look at the collection of abstracts.

local organizing committee
CIC secretary
  © Météo-France - Direction de la Communication