A Tribute to Joël Noilhan 21-22 March 2019
Centre International de Conférences - Météo-France - Toulouse - France

CIC meetings
A Simple Parametrization of Land Surface Processes for Meteorological Models
Centre National de Recherches Météorologiques, Toulouse, France
(Manuscript received 19 April 1988, in final form 1 September 1988)

March 1989
30th anniversary

  Early days
Memories from the early scientific days.
J.C. André
Overview of the scientific career of Joël.
P. Bougeault - CNRM
State of the art of land surface schemes before ISBA.
A. Beljaars - ECMWF
Genesis of the land surface scheme ISBA.
S. Planton - ex-CNRM
First intercomparison projects with Joël.
J.-F. Mahfouf - CNRM

Joël and field campaigns
The role of field campaigns.
P. Bessemoulin - ex-CNRM
Land surface interactions: CARBO-EUROPE.
C. Sarrat - ONERA
Land surface interactions: fog modelling.
T. Bergot - CNRM

National and international collaborations
40 years of World Climate Research – where do we go?
P. Kabat - WMO
Progress in knowledge from synergy between modelling and observations.
I. Braud - IRSTEA
Use of ISBA in HIRLAM.
P. Samuelsson - SMHI
Surface-atmosphere interactions and the impact of lakes on climate.
R. Salgado - Univ. Evora
ISBA in very high mountains (Andes and Himalaya).
P. Chevallier and coll. - HSM

Applications and evolutions of the ISBA scheme.
ISBA for numerical weather prediction.
S. Bélair
ISBA and hydrological modelling.
F. Habets - ENS
ISBA and cold climates.
A. Boone - CNRM
ISBA for climate modelling.
B. Decharme - CNEM
ISBA and the carbon cycle.
C. Delire - CNRM
How Joël and ISBA inspired the town model TEB.
V. Masson - CNRM
Satellite data and ISBA: physiography.
J.-L. Champeaux - ex-CNRM
Satellite data and ISBA: assimilation.
J.-C. Calvet - CNRM

Looking into the future
Ongoing evolutions within SURFEX.
P. Le Moigne - CNRM
Challenges towards Earth System Modelling.
G. Balsamo - ECMWF


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Joël Noilhan's personal page

CIC secretary
Jean-François Mahfouf
  © Météo-France - Communication et Documentation Toulouse